Monday, July 19, 2010

Grand Canyon, Arizona

We had a Grand time at the Grand Canyon. We left at 7am so that we could beat the heat and the crowds and it worked. We hiked and rode the buses when we were tired. Grandpa Decker gets a new National Park medal to put on his hiking stick every time he goes to a new park.
Some of the Decker Gang!
Waiting for the Tram.
Paula and the girls.
Maryjane and Jennie
John Paul and Elle, Ice Cream, Yummy!

The Matthew Decker Family
Four Daniel Boons! Wendy, Treya and Brittani Smithson and Abbey
Jerreed and Emily

Adam Decker chillin out!

John Paul and Matt
Grandma Decker and gang.
Craig and Paula
Paul (Dad) and Steve
Craig and Seth
Jerreed and Emily

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